Last week was Amazing!! First of all the week started with the Pictage PartnerCon. What a fun time it is to have a few hundred photographers together to learn and party!
There was a huge group of guys that all had their laptops out while we were waiting for the conference to start.
The night before the conference started a bunch of us from the OpenSourcePhoto forum got together to finally meet in person. We all had a great time finally matching up small avatar pictures with actual people. Thanks so much to Alisha for getting us all together!!
The next night after the first day of conference Pictage threw us a wonderful party as well. And of course there were plenty of photos to be taken!
Here’s a pic of Tim before he sported his balloon cowboy hat.
And here’s a fabulous shot of Frank!
And I really liked this shot I took of one of the event photographers using a Fong Flash diffuser.
Thanks to all for a fabulous conference! DJ and Dane you guys rocked it in your break-out sessions!! You seem to keep me constantly thinking of change and always motivated to make the changes!
And I have to also say that is was fabulous to meet so many others there…Greg, Sean, Kurt, Tim, Luke, Frank, Kim, Alisha, Liana, MaryJane, wow…I can’t believe I remembered that many names…although there are way too many that I forgot! I’ll try to add them as my memory comes back!