Since I connected with Pictage last year, I have met people that are nothing short of amazing. These photographers are so much fun to be with and are so open to sharing with each other.
This Thursday evening I held a Q&A session on the Pictage Forum. There were some great questioned asked and some of them really made me think through what I do. After the session I met up with a group of Pictage photographers in the San Diego area at the Beach Bar at the W Hotel in downtown. I had so much fun seeing some people that I’ve known for a little while now and others that I just met that night. Thank you to everyone for coming out! We’re definitely going to have to go back there next time I’m in town.
Here’s a few of the pics from that night.
Since then I’ve had a little time to think about why I love what I do so much. It’s the PEOPLE. Since I’ve began this business I have met some of the most amazing people. My clients have been spectacular and my photography friends have been energizing and supportive.
All of you are making every day of my life better!