Last night the Pictage User Group in Phoenix got together with a special guest. Davide Greene flew down from Toronto to talk about his business.
What I really appreciate about Davide is just how honest he is about everything. He’s straight forward with his clients. He’s passionate about his photography. And he truly loves what he is doing.
I have such a similar passion for every aspect of my business. This is work is truly fun and exciting and there is nothing else I would rather be doing. My clients give me so many fun opportunities and at times I forget that this is actually work. My friends always give me a hard time about always having a camera in my hand, but I honestly love taking photographs. They help me reflect on parts of my life and excite me about the things to come!
A few of us went out to dinner and they were mentioning how Davide and I look like brothers now that I’m back to blond.
I might just have to agree and I may have to get a set of glasses as well.