I’ve been collecting caps from my beer tastings to eventually put on my man cave fridge. It’s a great way to record which beers I’ve tried.


May 6, 2012

Collecting Caps

I love how Guinness finally brought Kilkenny beer to the US. It’s a great beer that I would describe as a cream amber beer.


March 31, 2012

Kilkenny Irish Beer

New Belgium Brewery was In town holding Tour de Fat at the Tempe Beach Park. The biking and beer event helped raise money for local biking groups. It was a lot of fun an we saw some crazy things. Troy and I on our bikes in front of the stage. Fun panoramic just before we […]

Arizona, Beer, Fun

October 22, 2011

Tour de Fat

Pumpkin Porter has been released early this year by Four Peaks Brewery. It’s wonderfully tasty and unlike any other pumpkin beers I have ever had. It is a full bodied porter with a wonderful spice and slight pumpkin flavor.

Arizona, Beer, Photo a Day

September 24, 2011

Photo a Day: Pumpkin Porter

The best patio to be on during a nice evening.

Arizona, Beer, Photo a Day

September 17, 2011

Photo a Day: Four Peaks Brewery

Four Peaks Brewery has officially won JT’s Best Brewery of All Time Award! It’s my favorite place to grab a cold brew and hang with friends. Plus they have stellar food to go along with a great brew like their Kiltlifer Ale.

Arizona, Beer

January 25, 2009

Four Peaks Brewery- Best Brewery

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