My niece Kara Caityln was born 9/11/09 @ 2:17am weighing in at 7lbs 6oz and 20.5 inches long. She is so beautiful and I’m super excited to be her uncle.

Family, Personal

October 3, 2009

I’m an Uncle to Kara Caitlyn Garcia

My little sister Anna Marie visited Santa last week for some photos to send to friends and family. She was in a happy mood and was excited to see Santa. I snapped a photo with her while Santa was busy feeding his reindeer.


December 2, 2008

Anna’s First Santa Visit

We just designed some baby announcements for my dad and step-mom to send out announcing Anna Marie. Here is the front (my logo does not print on the cards) And the back of the card

Custom Designs

September 17, 2008

Baby Announcements

I was finally back to Phoenix a few weeks ago and had some time to photograph my baby sister, Anna Marie. It was definitely an interesting challenge photographing a newborn baby. But she’s just so dang cute. She didn’t care for lying in the the bucket that we had. The cutest little feet. After a […]

Arizona, Portrait

September 16, 2008

My Baby Sister Anna Marie

Maddalena Rose DeBacco Cabral was born on January 9th to Allison and Anastacio. They just sent me a photo and I knew all of you would love to see it. Congratulations! I know you are both going to be amazing parents.


February 4, 2008

Maddalena Rose DeBacco Cabral

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