I’ve taken a ton of photos since Friday so here’s a recap of what we’ve been up to.
Loved this Waffle Shop sign across from Ford’s Theatre
Keeping warm with a Starbucks Chai
Snowing Friday night
Darren in the Metro with our train arriving
lol! Darren trying to warm up from the man hole steam
The Library of Congress ceilings are the most of amazing of any of the government buildings
Rainy and foggy after our Capitol tour
Changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Saturday, a fitting street to visit on St. Patrick’s day
Hanging out in downtown Alexandria, VA
Troy, Dad, Darren after a great Spanish tapas dinner
Visiting Chinatown
Self Portrait of Jeffersons
Troy hangin’ with Abe
Two national advisers (similar to congressmen as they described) from South Korea who asked to take a picture with me in front of the White House. Troy and Darren jumped in to join us while my dad snapped a photo. Now I have a new friend to call if I ever visit South Korea.